# Troubleshooting steps ### Profile creation issues - Organisation not found

![sortinghat-orgs](./assets/sortinghat-org.png) The above issue arises when the organisation submitted does not exist in the `Organisation` table. "Bitergia" here is taken as an example. In order to fix it, make sure to [add your organisation](https://vsevagen.github.io/grimoirelab-sortinghat/docs/sortinghat/add-org/) first, then [create the individuals profile](https://vsevagen.github.io/grimoirelab-sortinghat/docs/sortinghat/create-profile/).
- Profile already exist

The above issue arises if a existing profile has the exact same information (Name, Email, Username, Source etc...) as the profile being created. The ID `013d8db4d7fba708448c146c8fb54f8dcb974ed1` refers to the unique identifier of a profile. - Fields cannot be empty

The above issue is pretty staightforward. In order to create a profile, a minimum amount of information is required which includes, primarily the Source and any other identity related info (`Name` or `Email` or `Username`).